Thursday, April 29, 2021

A large number of people will deal with kidney stones at some point in their lives. If you want to make an attempt at avoiding this condition, it’s important to know what actually causes it. Here are the top kidney stone causes and what you can do to avoid developing the stones.

The first step is to learn what kind of kidney stone you have before going into the kidney stone causes. The two most common are calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones. There are others such as struvite stones and cystine stones.
Kidney Stone Causes

For calcium oxalate stones, it is often caused by excessive consumption of oxalates. Oxalates are found in various foods such as chocolate, beans, spinach, coffee, rhubarb and more. When you have elevated levels of oxalates, they will bind with calcium and form these calcium oxalate stones.

Aside from diet, not drinking enough water can lead to these stones. You want to make sure you are always hydrated, especially in drier and hotter weather. Health conditions like IBD, diabetes, obesity, and hyperparathyroidism can also increase your chances of developing the stones. If you have these health conditions, it will be even more important to change your diet to one that’s low in oxalate content.

For uric acid stones, the top kidney stones cause is eating too much animal protein and urine that’s too acidic. If you find that you have this type of kidney stone, you will want to reduce your consumption of red meat, fish, chicken, and pork. You should also limit your intake of high sugar foods as it can contribute to the rise of uric acid levels.

Struvite stones are different from these two stones. They form as a result of a urinary tract infection. As a result, you should be aware of the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Symptoms include cloudy urine, red or pinkish coloration in urine, burning sensation while urinating, and an increased urge to urinate. 

Some of these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of kidney stones, so it can get confusing. The best thing you can do is to see your doctor and find out what you are dealing with. You may even be dealing with both a UTI and a struvite stone.

As for cystine stones, this is caused by a genetic disorder. Cystine makes its way into your urine and forms stones when elevated levels persist. The best way to deal with this rare type of kidney stone is to reduce your salt intake and drink more water. If these action steps do not work, you will want to see your doctor to get prescription medication for this type of stone.

For all the stones, there is a genetic element to it. Some people have a higher likelihood of developing various kidney stones. Even if they follow a moderate diet, they may end up developing any of the stones listed above.

The best way to see if you have a higher likelihood of developing kidney stones is to observe your own family. See if there is a family history of kidney stones in your direct family line. This may signal if you are at a higher risk of developing, especially at a younger age than when most people first develop them.

Of all the kidney stone causes, not hydrating enough is a cause that tends to be most overlooked. It sounds very simple but it’s actually a common problem. Some people simply do not drink enough water and when they do, they opt for sugar drinks that can often lead to kidney stones.

Drinking water with citrate in the form of lemon, lime, or orange juice can often help you prevent the growth of stones and help dissipate the stones. So consider making yourself some lemonade or limeade with a low amount of sugar to help prevent kidney stones from forming in the first place.

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About Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Stone
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